"Right now, the goal is engagement and money and that's it."
But your report, Claire, is magnifique !!
Fun rundown. Really a lot happening. But I'm curious. What did Captcha say to you?
He said humans were boring :)
And then there’s Imre Khan’s (victorious) party in Pakistan that used an AI image & voice to put out a victory statement from
their leader tho he is being held in prison on (literally) Trumped-up charges !!
I didn’t see that! Thanks for your kind words!
But your report, Claire, is magnifique !!
Fun rundown. Really a lot happening. But I'm curious. What did Captcha say to you?
He said humans were boring :)
And then there’s Imre Khan’s (victorious) party in Pakistan that used an AI image & voice to put out a victory statement from
their leader tho he is being held in prison on (literally) Trumped-up charges !!
I didn’t see that! Thanks for your kind words!